Tuesday, December 18, 2012

An Open Letter To Baby E

I was taking a bubble bath, and I covered my belly in bubbles and imagined what you would think of them if you could see them. I thought, "baby E's first bubble bath". Then, while I was so focused on you, I realized there are a few things I want to write down before you're born so the two of us never have to forget them.

You have three older sisters. I'll apologize for that, now. But I think someday you might be glad you did. Just know that there will rarely be a quiet moment once you're out in the world and be thankful that you have your own bedroom and that there are two bathrooms in this house. There will be times when you are their bitter enemy, I'm sure. But, you should know (and I will remind them) that they were excited to add you to our family. M even tells me almost every day that she loves or likes my baby. She knows your name, but likes to think of you as her baby brother instead.

If you're anything like I was, there will be times when you wish you were the older sibling and it will drive you crazy to have big sisters telling you how the world works and bossing you around. Remember that they were my guinea pigs and be glad it wasn't you. I had no idea what I was doing when I had the twins. I made a lot of little mistakes and I was an emotional wreck every time I thought something went wrong. Hopefully, you will have the benefit of my experience. And because you came after three other kids, you will be born into a happier, more stable and loving home than they were. Also, there will be lots of toys and entertainment.

And, lucky you, being a boy. There won't be any hand-me-downs.

Life is going to be difficult. You're going to think it's unfair. Sometimes, you're going to think we don't care enough, and other times you'll wish we cared less. You're going to think we don't understand you, we don't know better than you do, and we aren't on to your deceptions. I know this because your sisters already think these things sometimes. I'll let you in on a little secret, though: sometimes, you'll be right. But it probably won't be when you're five.

We're a strange family. You'll get to know all of the reasons why over the course of your life. But I want you to start with this as a foundation: no matter how weird you end up thinking your family is, we love you. We love each other. We support each other, and we're going to be there for you... even if we embarrass you a little bit here and there.

Your momma

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