Saturday, August 25, 2012

A Day In The Life

We have a schedule... sort of.

If the kids aren’t already up by 7:45, I get them up because they absolutely must file through our single bathroom one-by-one before breakfast, which is at (or near) 8:00. Breakfast is usually just cereal. I’ve tried other things, but 8:00 am is not a good time for me to hear “I don’t like it” after I’ve just made applesauce pancakes, so I stick with what’s safe.

I try to have the dogs fed by 10:00 because I have to have lunch ready by 11:00. A result of feeding them cereal for breakfast: they’re hungry for lunch. The twins usually finish their lunch in 30 minutes or less, while the youngest sometimes takes over an hour. My favorite thing to make for lunch is turkey and cheese wrapped in crescent roll dough. They love it, and it’s fun. And I try to always offer a side of fruit. Of course, they also like corn dogs, mac and cheese, and pizza, but those things make me feel guilty, so I try to limit them.

Nap time is from 1:00 to 3:00, with some flexibility. It is required that they clean their room before they nap, so I assess the damage at around 12:00 to determine if the clean up will be a half or whole hour-long project. I also generally have to spend most of clean-up time in their room with them, keeping them on track and reminding the two-year-old where things go. But I don’t physically help.

The twins will soon be ditching naps, except on days when they've exhausted themselves in the morning. So, we'll probably utilize that time for more lessons.

Between 3:00 and 4:00, I take my dog out.

Lately, my partner has been on the “late” shift. He works for the school district, though, so that amounts to 8:00am to 4:00pm. The office is downtown, so he gets home between 4:30 and 4:45.

Dinner is as close to 6:00 as possible, and limited to 45 minutes. Our current favorite dinner food is tortilla soup.

After dinner, we fit in a bath, a second clean-up session, brushing teeth, and a story.

Bedtime is at 9:00.

It looks like this:
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I’m so glad that it counts as education when my kids ask me questions over dinner, or when they ask me to explain what something is during story time. Additionally, we manage to fit in math practice after dinner, to earn gummy bears or jelly beans for dessert. Still, sometimes I have to interrupt their play time to work with them on something. Otherwise, I’m not sure how I’d fit the required 4 hours (on average) into each day.

This post linked to iHomeschool's  *Not* back to homeschool blog hop
Not Back to School Blog Hop

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