Tuesday, September 4, 2012

(Not) Back to School

It's the beginning of the week, and we're just getting started. I have no idea how this will go or what we'll accomplish this week. I don't even know what to expect or plan.

Labor Day was fun. We had two picnics (one for lunch and one for dinner) at two different parks the girls had never been to. Denver has an incredible number of parks, really. Sunday, they made brownies, with my guidance, and we had those for dessert on Monday. We brought flashlights and stayed out late at the second park. Inexplicably, there were huge fireworks we could see from the park, also. This morning, everyone was still asleep when I opened their door to announce breakfast at 8.

Today, we start lessons, but they’ve been learning every day of their lives. Yesterday, we gave them their first lesson on the cardinal directions and how to use a compass, which I didn’t learn until fifth grade (is that even normal?)

I’ve been telling them, “On Tuesday, we start lessons” or, “next week, we’ll start lessons” because I didn’t want to confuse them with the word “school”. Last night, my partner used the ‘S’ word and got just the response I figured I would get, “AT school?!”

My five-year-olds were excited to go to school. Six months ago I wasn’t planning on homeschooling them, so they’ve always assumed they would go to school with other kids when they were old enough. They only recently learned otherwise, and what homeschooling would mean. Of course, we’re looking into sports teams, community center art classes, and other group activities so they can still get the parent-free, mingle-with-other-kids time they were so thrilled about. Besides, they’re very excited about learning at home.

Today, I think we’ll try to get in some math, reading, and writing. Of course, we’ll see what they’re capable of, right out of the gate and I’ll teach them whatever they want to know about. Between me and the oracle of the internet, we know everything.

1 comment:

  1. Find a few other homeschoolers to go play with. That will satisfy any desire to go to school. My boys always shake their heads with pity for those kids who are "locked" in school all day! Have fun with "lessons". :)
