Thursday, July 11, 2013

Still sick kids

We went on vacation, and the Cub got sick. I wrote about that in my previous blog post. Since then, I've been telling everyone, "he's getting better" or, "he seems completely fine, now." So, before I get into the meat of this blog, let me assure all of you who have heard those reassurances: It was honestly true when I said it.

He had a fever… then he didn't. It came back, and it was gone. Throughout, he had a runny nose and a cough, but we figured he just got whatever cough his 6-month-old cousin had when we were all on vacation together. Her doctor had said not to worry about it, so we didn't worry about the cough. The Cub's doctor recommended that, if the fever persisted, we bring him in on Wednesday.

The Cub's fever was so sporadic that Wednesday came and went with no sign of it. Early Thursday morning, though, it was back. Once the clinic opened, Papa made him an appointment and checked his temperature again while getting him dressed… it was normal.

I had to take C to a check-up, scheduled for 10 minutes after the Cub's appointment. So, Papa took the Cub and S to his clinic, and I took C and M.

I'm not sure I'm comfortable sharing C's problems right now (for her own privacy), but her doctor referred her to the Children's Hospital for an abdominal ultrasound. Now, I wait for a call from them. After the ultrasound appointment, if I feel that her story is relevant or might be acceptable to share, I will.

The Cub, on the other hand, had a chest x-ray during his appointment. The doctor told Papa he really hoped it was pneumonia, because it definitely wasn't an ear infection, and all of the other possibilities were worse. A viral infection that he'd just have to soldier through… a blood infection… I'm glad I wasn't there. I would have been sick to my stomach. 

I'll save you the suspense: The Cub has pneumonia and is now on antibiotics. Everyone else around here sounds a little congested, so we'll see how that goes. 

I guess this is how it goes. We had a wonderful, fun, family-filled vacation… now back to the grind. :)

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